30+ realizations of My Fourth Trimester in GIFs.
Tell me a better way to express. I will wait.
I gave birth for the first time while the world was revolving with a pandemic. Which means restrictions, no help, insecurity, limited access, NO FAMILY around and so on. To keep my spirit up I avoided all the negative contents (Thank god!) And fast forward 3 months into that I can say WOMEN ARE INVINCIBLE. My newbie mom-brain has encountered thousands of experiences, here’s the prime ones. Enjoy!
- The pain heals. (Just hang in there)
2. How many times can one wash their hands? Ask a mum.
3. I realized I can do almost everything with only one hand.
4. Hot Beverage is a dream.
5. A good rocking chair is bae.
6. Sleep is a luxury that I can’t afford right now.
7. Nothing bothers the baby except when mom moves an inch.
8. Breastfeeding is B.R.U.T.A.L.
9. Oh I hate Colic!
10. Burp..Burp..Burp….
11. Not brushing teeth is normal.
12. I lost my comb last month and I kind of don’t care.
13. Shower time is set by alarms.
14. Constipation sucks.
15. My makeup is a lip balm.
16. Baby wipe is a life savior.
17. There’s an amazing tribe out there called “Parents”.
18. I can feel my parents like never before.
19. Sleep when the baby sleeps does not work, at least I couldn’t (Can’t)
20. Why do I hear baby cries even when there isn’t any?
21. You can never spoil a baby with love. Never.
22. The pregnancy support groups are gems (Specially in a time like this!)
23. Everything is a blur in the first few weeks.
24. My search history got replaced by millions of baby questions.
25. All hail minimalism.
26. My partner is my bff.
27. I let the house be messy while trying to be cosy. It’s hard in the beginning but rewarding as time passes by.
28. baby vomits? not bothered at all.
29. And when everyone has gone to sleep, it’s just me and my sleep thief in the corner. I keep reminding myself the days are longer and the years are short!
30. Having loads of liquid helps.
31. People who sent food are angels.
32. Going out in the sunlight helps.
33. Whispering in bed with partner is fun! (works as ASMR as well. Lol)
34. I made a section in my closet called “Breastfeeding Friendly Dress”.
35. Formula or breastfeed, it’s always your decision.
36. It’s been a tough day but one smile of that little creature is enough to give hope to the power infinity.
37. Self care is important. For you, for the baby, for the family.